21 April 2012

Facing the Truth

The truth is, I'm too big. The truth is, I don't like to look at ALL the numbers. The truth is, I'm lazy. The truth is, I had to say NO to going out for food & drinks this week and I didn't like it. Monday is coming fast and I'm not in the habit of taking these daily walks. I'll start logging my steps, too.

I finally went and posted all of Monday's measurements on MyFitnessPal. I will keep up with this better. I also loaded my pictures onto my hard drive so that I can share them with you eventually. I plan to take them every Monday with all the measurements.

I added some new friends on MyFitnessPal. My sister included. That was encouraging.

I'm going to my Mama's next weekend. I need to call her and make sure that she understands that I can't be off the plan for more than one meal. I know she'll be supportive, I just don't want to be a pain.

I'm nervous about tomorrow being unstructured. It's my "free" day, but I'm planning to keep the freedom to a single meal splurge. I will probably compensate for it throughout the day. We have reservations for brunch at High Cotton. If I'm only gonna eat in a restaurant once a week, that's the place I want to be!

Alright y'all! Here we go with the last day of the first fully structured week. I'll check in with a menu here tonight.

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