22 April 2012

Day 6

Well, today was the end of my first working week on the plan. It was also the second full day with no carbonated beverages. I'm not off caffeine, but definitely, no more soda. Next week, along with starting my walking challenge, I'm gonna start training for an easy 5k. It's meant for fun, not speed, but I want to be in good shape to do it. It's planned for the fall and I'm excited about it. I'll share details later. Check out http://www.c25k.com/ if you hate exercise as much as I do. Looks like a good program for beginners.

I know, I know. It's time for today's menu.

Meal #1
1/4 sliced peaches (NO SUGAR ADDED)
2 eggs scrambled
1/2 oz mozzarella

Meal #2
Fudgesicle-No Sugar Added
Rice Cake
1/2 oz cheddar
2 oz deli sliced chicken

Meal #3
"chef" salad (from employee cafeteria)
3 cups mixed greens
1 slice onion
1/8 cup shredded cheddar
4 oz deli sliced turkey breast
2 tbsp Kraft Free French dressing

Meal #4
1/2 cup sliced pears (NO SUGAR ADDED)
2 oz deli sliced chicken
1 cup Angie's Kettle Corn
1 tbsp peanut butter

Meal #5
1 oz cheddar
3 oz baby carrots

Meal #6
2 grilled pork chops
2 scrambled eggs
coffee w/ 1 creamer & splenda

Tonight, I'm working on next week's meal plan to reduce the sugar a little bit. I'm also developing some rewards for myself for some specific milestones. I'll share all that once I've gotten it all worked out. I loved being able to log onto My Fitness Pal today and see that I'd come through an entire week with disciplined habits. I'm looking forward to adding some exercise next week.

Tomorrow is Sunday. That's splurge day. We have reservations at High Cotton for brunch. I can't wait. It's gonna be amazing.

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